Entries are now closed!
By entering the Event you are accepting the Rules. These can be downloaded together with a copy of the Competition Programme using the links above.
Trueman Promotions would like to thank everyone who has competed in the COOL competition, the response and quality of dancing has been simply amazing with hundreds of dancers taking part.
We would like to give a special thanks to our world famous sponsors Chrisanne Clover and Bizza, who’s generosity has been so much appreciated in these very difficult times for all dance related companies.
Our Adjudicators are of the very highest standard and their work rate has staggered us all as they’ve worked in panels around the clock and have judged each and every round.
Thanks to Samantha Wilkins, Katie Geddes, Stefanie Taylor, Kristie White, Emma Gough, Ekaterina Short, Duncan Trever, Greg McDonough, Kris Turner and Christopher Short. Great everyone job, well done.
And finally and most of all to the dancers themselves who have been the real stars of COOL. Their dancing and performances have really impressed the Judges and of course to their families, supporters and teachers for helping them put it all together.
Stay safe everyone and we look forward to seeing you at our next on line event, the South Staffs Spring Open OnLine, in conjunction with KT Promotions, all planned for 14th March, 2021 which is of course Mother’s Day, so keep an eye on the programme for some extra special events.